Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Dan and I are not sure how to go about writing this post. There are truly no words ever written to express how grateful we are to be a part of the two most loving families in the world.

Our family has been here for us through each step of the way and have given up so much of themselves in order to ease even the slightest bit of our pain.

Our parents have been such an astounding example of how amazing a parent's love for their child can be. When we thought that we could not ask anything more of them, they have been right around the corner with open arms, an ear to lend or kind words of support to offer us. Pride, admiraiton and love do not even come close to decsribe our love and gratitude toward our parents. Simply put, we cannot thank you enough for the amazing guidance you have given us and we only hope to be half the parents you have been to us.

And to our amazing siblings and their spouses...we have always known that we have awesome siblings, but over the past few months you have blown us away. You have all shown us the true meaning of family. Even in the scariest of moments during our brief time with Sophia you were able to make us laugh and take a bit of the pain away. The support that you all continue to show us even six weeks after losing our beautiful baby girl means so, so much and we will never know how to truly thank you.

Finally, if only Jack could understand how grateful we are for him. His darling smile and sparkling personality have lifted our hearts and have brought huge smiles to our faces, even on our darkest days. How sad we are to know how long it will be before Jack will get to hold his baby sister again. Until then, we will remind him daily about what an amazing big brother he was and continues to be. We will forever cherish his love for his new favorite nightly routine...which is saying his bedtime prayers and saying good night to baby "Phia" up in Heaven.

1 comment:

Jessica Hoida said...

You guys live life so beautifully and your continued ability to be thankful through such a difficult time shows such love and grace. Jessica Hoida